
If there is patient data for this table the file for this export will be found in the extracted zip folder location under the filename of questionnaire_repository.csv

If there are non-patient data column elements that are not part of the designated record set they will be marked in the Comment's column for that data element


Holds questionnaires that providers or patients fill out for healthcare information collection and/or assessment.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
questionnaire_response.questionnaire_foreign_id Defined in XML R

Unique identifier for the questionnaire record

uuid BINARY 16 null

Universally unique identifier for the questionnaire in the EMR system

questionnaire_id VARCHAR 255 null
form_questionnaire_assessments.questionnaire_id Defined in XML R

Unique public identifier

provider INT UNSIGNED 10 null

Identifier for the provider associated with the inputting/creation of this questionnaire

version INT 10 1

Version number of the questionnaire

created_date DATETIME 19 current_timestamp()

Date and time when the questionnaire was created

modified_date DATETIME 19 current_timestamp()

Date and time when the questionnaire was last modified

name VARCHAR 255 null

Name or title of the questionnaire

type VARCHAR 63 Questionnaire

Type of questionnaire (e.g., FHIR ‘Questionnaire’)

profile VARCHAR 255 null

Profile information for the questionnaire

active TINYINT 3 1

Indicates if the questionnaire is active (1 for active, 0 for inactive)

status VARCHAR 31 null

Status information for the questionnaire

source_url TEXT 65535 null

URL associated with the questionnaire for where the questionnaire originated or where more information about the questionnaire can be obtained

code VARCHAR 255 null

Code associated with the questionnaire

code_display TEXT 65535 null

Display information for the code associated with the questionnaire

questionnaire LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

JSON serialized version of the questionnaire. If the type of this record is Questionnaire than the JSON will be a serialized definition of a FHIR Questionnaire resource

lform LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Lforms version of text content for the questionnaire (e.g., for long forms)


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
search Performance Asc/Asc name + questionnaire_id
uuid Must be unique Asc uuid
