
If there is patient data for this table the file for this export will be found in the extracted zip folder location under the filename of facility.csv

If there are non-patient data column elements that are not part of the designated record set they will be marked in the Comment's column for that data element


The facility table holds all of the facilities that provide healthcare in the EMR. It contains the primary billing location and other service locations/organizations that are not insurance companies tracked inside the EMR


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT 10 null
form_groups_encounter.facility_id Defined in XML R
medex_recalls.r_facility Defined in XML R
onsite_documents.facility Defined in XML R
openemr_postcalendar_events.pc_billing_location Defined in XML R
openemr_postcalendar_events.pc_facility Defined in XML R
procedure_order.account_facility Defined in XML R
users.billing_facility_id Defined in XML R
users.facility_id Defined in XML R

Surrogate id of the record used as the primary incrementing key

uuid BINARY 16 null

UUID of the record

name VARCHAR 255 null

The name of the facility

phone VARCHAR 30 null

Phone number of the facility

fax VARCHAR 30 null

Fax number of the facility

street VARCHAR 255 null

Street address of the facility

city VARCHAR 255 null

City where the facility is located

state VARCHAR 50 null

State where the facility is located

postal_code VARCHAR 11 null

Postal code of the facility

country_code VARCHAR 30

Country code of the facility

federal_ein VARCHAR 15 null

Federal Employer Identification Number of the facility

website VARCHAR 255 null

Website of the facility

email VARCHAR 255 null

Email address of the facility

service_location BIT 1 1

Indicates if it’s a service location (0-Not a service location, 1-Service location)

billing_location BIT 1 1

Indicates if it’s a billing location (0-Not a billing location, 1-Billing location)

accepts_assignment BIT 1 1

Indicates if the facility accepts assignment (0-Does not accept assignment, 1-Accepts assignment)

pos_code TINYINT 3 null

POS (Place of Service) code of the facility

x12_sender_id VARCHAR 25 null

X12 Sender ID of the facility. EMPTY IN Export

attn VARCHAR 65 null

Attention line for the facility

domain_identifier VARCHAR 60 null

Domain identifier for the facility

facility_npi VARCHAR 15 null

NPI (National Provider Identifier) for the facility

facility_taxonomy VARCHAR 15 null

Taxonomy code for the facility

tax_id_type VARCHAR 31

Tax ID type for the facility

color VARCHAR 7

Color code for the facility

primary_business_entity INT 10 1

Primary business entity (0-Not set as the primary business entity, 1-Set as the primary business entity)

facility_code VARCHAR 31 null

Facility code for the facility

extra_validation BIT 1 1

Extra validation indicator (0-No extra validation, 1-Extra validation)

mail_street VARCHAR 30 null

Mailing street address of the facility

mail_street2 VARCHAR 30 null

Additional mailing street address of the facility

mail_city VARCHAR 50 null

Mailing city of the facility

mail_state VARCHAR 3 null

Mailing state of the facility

mail_zip VARCHAR 10 null

Mailing ZIP code of the facility

oid VARCHAR 255

For HIEs, CCDA, and FHIR an OID is required/wanted for the facility

iban VARCHAR 50 null

International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for the facility EMPTY IN Export

info TEXT 65535 null

Additional information about the facility EMPTY in Export

weno_id VARCHAR 10 null

WENO ID for the facility

inactive BIT 1 0

Indicates if the facility is inactive (0-Active, 1-Inactive)


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
uuid Must be unique Asc uuid
