Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | Children | Parents | Comments | |||
pid | INT | 10 | null |
The internal patient identifier |
encounter | INT | 10 | null |
The identifier for the encounter for which the payment is connected to (foreign key reference to the forms_encounter.encounter). |
sequence_no | INT UNSIGNED | 10 | null |
A unique identifier for this payment activity, incremented in the code. |
code_type | VARCHAR | 12 | '' |
The code system that is used for this billing activity |
code | VARCHAR | 20 | null |
The code in the code system referenced in code_type that is the main billing code for this billing activity |
fee | Unknown | 0 | null |
The billing fee that is being requested for payment of services rendered |
modifier | VARCHAR | 12 | '' |
Billing code modifier |
payer_type | INT | 10 | null |
The payer type code, indicating the source of payment (0=patient, 1=primary insurance, 2=secondary insurance, etc). |
post_time | DATETIME | 19 | null |
Time of the posting on the date referenced in post_date |
post_user | INT | 10 | null |
The user ID (foreign key reference to the users table) of the person who posted the payment. |
session_id | INT UNSIGNED | 10 | null |
The session ID (foreign key reference to the ar_session table) associated with this payment activity, if applicable. |
memo | VARCHAR | 255 | '' |
Additional comments or adjustment reasons related to the payment activity. |
pay_amount | DECIMAL | 12,2 | 0.00 |
The actual payment amount received (in DECIMAL format), which may differ from the fee amount due to adjustments or discounts. |
adj_amount | DECIMAL | 12,2 | 0.00 |
The adjustment amount, if any, to account for changes in the payment (in DECIMAL format). |
modified_time | DATETIME | 19 | null |
The timestamp indicating when this payment activity was last modified (in DATETIME format). |
follow_up | CHAR | 1 | null |
A flag (CHAR) indicating follow-up actions needed for this payment activity (e.g., ‘y’ for yes, ‘n’ for no). |
follow_up_note | MEDIUMTEXT | 16777215 | √ | NULL |
Additional notes or instructions related to follow-up actions for this payment activity (in TEXT format). |
account_code | VARCHAR | 15 | null |
The account code used to categorize or classify this payment activity (e.g., a billing code or account code). |
reason_code | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | NULL |
An optional reason code used to explain adjustments or changes in the payment amount (e.g., primary payer adjustment reason code). |
deleted | DATETIME | 19 | √ | NULL |
A timestamp (in DATETIME format) indicating when the payment activity was deleted (NULL if active, otherwise when voided). |
post_date | DATE | 10 | √ | NULL |
The date (in DATE format) when the payment was posted, if specified at the time of payment. |
payer_claim_number | VARCHAR | 30 | √ | NULL |
The claim number or reference number provided by the payer or insurance company for this payment activity. |